Expert in applications to National Lottery Heritage Fund - 6 years experience working for the Fund. 20 years working in the Heritage Sector.
- Expressions of interest
- Bid writing
- Activity planning, project plans
- Fundraising strategy
- Project development and delivery
- Audience consultation
- Evaluation
Passionate about nature engagement, species and habitat restoration - 6 years experience at National Lottery Heritage Fund advising nature and landscape projects. Secretary of Brentor Commons Association.
- Expressions of interest
- Bid writing
- Activity planning, project plans
- Fundraising strategy
- Project development and delivery
- Audience consultation
- Evaluation
Grant making
6 years working at The National Lottery Heritage Fund; small grant programme evaluation, assessment design and moderation for South West Museum Development.
- Grant programme design
- Writing grant programme materials
- Assessment design, training and resources
- Support for applicants pre application and post award
- Application assessment, moderation and scoring
- Programme evaluation